Boite aux Lettres Tech Iroise

Mailboxes, Tech Iroise building, CCPI, Saint Renan, 2022. This project commissioned by Pays d’Iroise Communauté (CCPI) was an opportunity to work with a standardized industrial product: the mailbox. Indeed the overall budget of the project did not allow to create original mailboxes. So I proposed a project whose creative part lay in working on the…

Vase Tronçonneuse 02

Vase, self-edition and self-production of 20 copies, 2022. Second object of the chainsaw + porcelain series, this vase required the manufacture of a much larger and heavier mold than for vase 01. Consequently the mold is filled and emptied using a wooden spinning module. Material : Porcelain  Dimensions : H 25 x L 23 x…

Deux Plis Stool, galvanized

Stool, self-publishing, Brest, 2021 This is the very first version of this sheet steel stool that has been galvanized. This treatment is above all a protection against the corrosion of the steel, but applied on large surfaces the galvanization can create iridescence which changes colors according to the angle of the light and the point…

Box Scie à Ruban

Boite, pièce unique, 2021. Le bois utilisé pour fabriquer cette boite provient d’un lot d’If récupéré par mon père suite à l’abattage d’un arbre dans ma ville natale il y a plus de vingt ans. L’if est l’un des rares bois qui peut être séché en grosses sections sans fendre si le séchage est approprié.…

Bols Scie à Ruban

Bols, pièces uniques, Restaurant Petit Navire, Paris & collections privées, 2021. La scie à ruban est traditionnellement utilisée pour la première transformation du bois. Elle permet de débiter des planches ou des pièces de charpente de toutes les sections. Dans ce projet la scie à ruban est utilisée comme outil de façonnage final pour sa…

Console Alvéole

Console, unique, private collection, Dinard, 2021. Each object is traditionally represented by its three dimensions in order to be manufactured more easily and or reproduced. It can be seen on front view, side view or top view. To the frontview I applied a design framework integrating the dimensional constraints given to me by the type…